Arts and Crafts! Maybe even more >:3c


Or, things I work on that I'll hopefully one day finish. And even stuff I've finished!

- WIP -

  • Let's Play the Hero Gacha!
  • A project thought up in my spare time, and built for a Yuri Gamejam, it's built with the idea in mind of "what if there was a lesbian harem game and the protag sucked as much as any other harem protag?" It's been a fun journey into Gamemaker 1.4 to try and see what I can build, and hopefully something wonderful will come of it. Currently, I'm the only one working on any games like this, but if anyone would like to help, please see the notice below.
  • Getcha! Feat. Delia and Arecia
  • This is a small side thing used to help me understand video editing a bit better. I love Vocaloid and Getcha! is one of my favorite songs. When I recieved a picture of my Final Fantasy character along with my friend's in the same setting, I knew I had to make a full video for it. I haven't done much with editing before, but I'm excited to see what I can learn through this.


  • Lagtrain Feat. Delia
  • This one was REALLY fun to do, if a bit painful. I enjoyed the challenge of finding movements and scenes and emotes that were close to what was done in the original video, and how much I had to copy and edit and time. The only downside I can really say I had was that my computer almost died several times while making it. Otherwise, the workload was never too much for me, as I spent several nights until late in the morning working hard at finishing it.


Hey! If you're down here, it means you're probably at least mildly interested in my notice above, or just wanted to keep reading. Basically, Spellmaidn Productions (working name) is really just me and sometimes my girlfriend that assists with music. If you'd like to join and assist with projects, I'm happy to take anyone with any level of skill! I want to be very transparent, though; as I do not have any spare money for anything but rent and food, it would be unpaid. If that's not your jam, that's perfectly fine, and I would not want to force someone to do something for free if they didn't want to! If any games ever actually make a profit, I'd be more than happy to actually split the money, but for now, I don't plan on making any games that are explicitly made to make money.

If you ARE interested in that, you can reach me at my email at ♥