Let's Play the Hero Gacha
A project for the [Redacted] Yuri Game Jam
Update 1/22/25
Okay, I'm carrying right along and kinda excited about this now, actually. I managed to do some pretty rough coding to FINALLY get a rudementary setup where you choose where to go and your player catches up with the crosshairs!!!! It's kinda cool working on something like this without having to look up tutorials or forums or something. I feel like I'm genuinely making something on my own. Of course, there's a long way to go. But it still makes me happy to see that I may actually be able to do this!!!!
Update, 1/20/25
Uhhhh I've been a bit MIA for a while here now, haven't I, tehe. Things have been a bit rough and my motivation to continue working on the game has been a little null. Anyway, now that I'm back and deranged enough to continue updating this. Firstly, I've basically taken a step back on how I want to work on this game, namely in how it plays. I decided it would work better as a tactical RPG in the same vein as Fire Emblem. Of course, this means I had to begin working on it again from the ground up, which is a bit of a pain. Especially since I don't really know anything about this and there's no many tutorials online for the specific engine I'm using.
After a lot of trial and error, I decided just doing one stage with an intro, and a few characters would be the best possible option to show that I can actually manage this at a higher level. First, though, I'm working on the actual combat as that seems like it would be the hardest. Though I'm running into trouble even doing something as simple as making a graphic that says that it's the player's turn. I'd kill for a small team, to be honest, but I'll continue trudging through and hope that someone has advice for it at some point...till then, wish me luck. I'll try to keep this more updated!
Older Updates
This is a bit of a "devlog" of sorts, documenting the progress I've made on my game as I make it. It's what I would consider my first "real" game development project. I've worked on a few before, but they either never came to fruition, or were nothing more than jokes (looking at you, Torb Fighter). I've been knocking an idea like this throughout my brain for a while now, but it was really only shot forward when I saw the game jam and decided to actually get into the saddle again.
Essentially, this is the product of a silly little lesbian wanting some equivilent to a harem anime, but with wlw. Of course, this means the protaganist needs to be just as insufferable as any other harem protag. To my best attempt, anyway. You can actually find her on my 404 page, funnily enough! But what started as a bit of a thought on a whim turned into a more developed "story" bit by bit. What if this girl was helplessly addicted to gacha? What if she happened to get an app that summoned the heros to the actual world? At first, I was going to make it a "new" gacha that just appeared on her phone one day, but a couple weeks of thinking and I realized it would be much better if it was just an established game, with fans across the globe. Mostly for interactions involving that (and seeing themselves as marketable plushies). I like to consider it a "reverse isekai" in a way.
I would say the game is still in its' infancy. Almost all of the sprites are placeholders, and the mechanics are being worked on day by day. My main goal right now is to get a "product" ready for the final day of the game jam. Of course, I don't intend to charge for it. This is more to prove to myself that I
Anyway, rambling aside, I'll use this to kinda update on what I'm doing and how far I've come. Partly to anyone that's interested, and partly to keep a focus on how much I've actually done compared to what I could've done before. Here's some pictures.