Coming Soon: Anything!

Welcome to my website!

And furthermore, my homepage!

This website is a self-contained source of my interests, projects, thoughts, and other miscellaneous things I wish to post to bring me back to the old age web.

But if you're interested in a bit about me, I would find that very hard to put on paper...electronically. I make images in Final Fantasy XIV, listen to music, develop video games, dream of one day working on miniatures, and draw! I adore Vocaloid music, and wish to oen day travel the world!

I can be found in other places on the net, but personally, I like to keep this a bit self-contained. At least, for now. Perhaps as things go on, I might link the offhand page or something, but I want this to be a split from social media in a way. I'm almost thinking of this as a different project!

- Do you want to reach out to me? -

Don't! Not yet, at least. Perhaps eventually, I'll have something set up to recieve mails or notices about things, but for now this is more a project for me than anything as I learn bit by bit.

For now, enjoy the webbed site! Updates will come as I remember to work on it, as I'm just a poor women trying to keep a roof over her head, and work is prioritized over personal projects.